Healthy Living as a Service
Discover with us how we make healthy living accessible and motivate people to make long-term lifestyle changes. In the "Healthy Living as a Service" project, we are working with citizens, researchers, artists and companies in the North of the Netherlands.

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Our Partners
We are proud to work with a diverse network of valued partners who help us achieve our mission. Together, we strive for innovation and growth. Below is an overview of some of our partners:

The Healthy Living as a Service program, collaborates with various (citizen) initiatives in the Fieldlabs. This collaboration with citizens is at the foundation of the projects ensures that the activities are responsive and in line with the wishes of the citizens. Therefore, the Fieldlabs are an important part of the project.

We believe that everyone has the right to a healthy and fulfilling life. That's why we explore how smart technology, such as "smartwatches" and sensors, can make healthy living accessible to everyone. With our toolbox and artificial intelligence, we will guide you in a personalized way to improve your lifestyle, keeping you motivated in the long run.
Join our pioneering initiative and together we will create a healthier future.
Our Team
Meet the passionate team behind the Healthy Living as a Service project. Here we introduce our team members and share their expertise and commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles.
Learn more about the people committed to the success of our project and meet the project's motivated PhD students.
We welcome you to the world of Healthy Living as a Service. Together we are working towards a healthier future for everyone!


The Artist-Researcher in the North of the Netherlands

Everyone on the Move!

Annual Project Meeting Healthy Living as a Service
On Thursday, Oct. 26, the annual meeting of the Healthy Living as a Service project will be held at the Health Hub in Roden. The program will start at 12:00 with lunch and end around 18:00.
For this afternoon we have invited speakers with several interesting topics such as citizen involvement in scientific research, socio-spatial planning and the development of reliable and human-centered artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, Healthy Living as a Service researchers will present the progress of their project through posters and there will be various workshops and demonstrations.
12:00 Poster session and Lunch, researchers present project progress
13:00 Presentations by invited speakers
13:00 Healthy Living as a Service project - Claudine Lamoth
13:15 Citizen Science for Health: a participatory process with impact - Johan de Jong
13:50 Interaction Living Environment and Daily Activities - Gerd Weitkamp
14:25 Responsible development and implementation of AI in healthcare - Mirjam Plantinga
15:00 Market with various workshops
15:10 Workshop round 1
16:00 Workshop round 2

17:00 Drinks
18:00 Closing
The meeting is open to anyone interested in these topics. Some of the presentations, workshops and demonstrations will be in English.
Project meeting Healthy Living as aService
Thursday, October 26, 12:00 - 18:00
Health Hub Roden, 1e Energieweg 13, 9301 LK Roden

FitTech box present at European Night of Researchers
Could you use some support to start living healthier? Or would you like more insight into your own health? Then stop by the FitTech box and discover how smart technologies can support and motivate you to age healthily.
Meet wearables, such as "smartwatches," and experience how unhealthy lifestyle habits affect your health. Or learn how wearables with breathing exercises help you lower your stress levels.
Are you curious about exactly how this technology can help you? Then try out the wearables for yourself at our FitTech box!
Forum Groningen
Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 from 7:30 p.m. to 0 a.m.
Our Team
See below for more information about the researchers within the Healthy Living as a Service project.